The highlighted main JavaScript file ( Figure 26) contains the core logic that has been extended to support the ability to add dynamic properties on document upload. 突出显示的主要JavaScript文件(图26)包含核心逻辑,该逻辑已扩展,以支持在上传文档时添加动态属性的能力。
You can use@ syntax in Oracle10g to invoke other SQL files from a main SQL file. 在Oracle10g中,可以使用@语法从主SQL文件调用其他SQL文件。
When it discovers a change, CruiseControl then runs what's known as a delegating build, which calls the project's main build file ( like build. xml, if Ant is in use). 当发现修改时,CruiseControl运行一个所谓的委派(delegating)构建,它调用项目的主构建文件(在使用Ant时是build.xml)。
For the UI, the main application file ( main. mxml) contains only the reference to the main EventMap and to the view. 对于UI,主程序文件(main.mxml)只包含对主EventMap和对视图的引用。
One main software file contains all of the necessary code, but the configuration file drives the decision about which code or set of calibrations to use for each variant. 一个主软件文件包含所有必要的代码,但配置文件决定了对各变体使用哪些代码或哪组校准刻度。
If the file is valid, it is substituted into the main file with xml_include(). 如果文件有效,就用xmlinclude()将它替换到主文件中。
From the main File Menu, select File=> Import. 从主文件菜单选择File=>Import。
Copying a document involves copying not only the main file but also the files it links to, which can result in manipulation errors. 复制文档不仅要复制主文件还要复制它链接的文件,可能造成处理错误。
In this case, it allows you to simply copy the Flex files into a directory visible to your server, and the flex codes will be compiled automatically when you request the main application file using your Web browser. 在本例中,只需将Flex文件简单复制到服务器可见的目录下即可,并且在您用Web游览器请求主应用程序文件时,flex代码将会自动编译。
The main plug-in file is the pattern type package that consists of the pattern type definition and four plug-ins. 主要插件文件是由模式类型定义和四个插件组成的模式类型包。
It's main configuration file is in/ etc/ netcd. conf, and you can copy the one in/ usr/ samples/ tcpip to/ etc and use that as a template. 它的主要配置文件位于/etc/netcd.conf中,并且您可以将/usr/samples/tcpip中的文件复制到/etc,并使用它作为模板。
In order to replicate this functionality, the main SQL file needs to be converted into a shell script. 要想模拟这个功能,需要把主SQL文件转换为shell脚本。
Once you have edited the file, sudo will pick up on syntax errors if any, as with the main file. 与主文件一样,编辑此文件之后,sudo会指出语法错误(如果有的话)。
To maintain consistency, it's best to keep the name of the ZIP file the same as the plugin directory and the main plug-in file. 为了保持一致性,最好是让此ZIP文件的名称与此插件目录以及主要插件文件的名称相同。
He kept all the audio files in a main file. 他在主储存器中保留了所有的声音文件。
Place it into your main file on top of all layers. 把它放到所有图层之上。
Edit the main class file instead. 而是编辑主类文件。
Please put these letters in the main file. 请将这些文件放入文卷总档。
Most plugin authors choose to put the page-generating code in a function within their main plugin file. 大多数插件作者选择将创建网页的代码,放入主要的插件文件的函数中。
Path name to the main storage file. The names for supplemental files, including index and lock files, will be computed from this. 主存储文件的路径名。追加的文件名称,其中包括索引和锁文件,都是从这里计算的获得的。
When you deliver your application to an end-user, these satellite DLL directories should, of course, be created in the directory where the main executable file is located. 向最终用户交付应用程序时,这些附属dll目录当然应在主可执行文件所在的目录中创建。
This is your main file that includes the entire database and that is saved to your hard-drive or Udisk. 这是你的主要库存,它包括全部的数据,而且它是保存在硬盘和U盘上的。
The main file in a charging system is the loans file. 出借系统的主要资料档是借书资料档。
VRML is the main file format in the 3-D models transmitting on the Internet. VRML是互联网上传输三维模型的主要文件格式。
DICOM file is the main file format of medical image, and input module of it is exploited. 在医学图像的读取研究中,本文以DICOM格式作为医学图像的主要输入格式,相应地开发了医学图像的输入模块;
Besides the simulation of terminals, it supports the transfer of both ASCII and binary files between the Host and IBM PC, and the main file attributes are kept unchanged. 该模拟器除了模拟有关终端外,还支持IBMPc机与主机间的有纠错功能的ASCII文件及二进制代码文件的传输,并保证文件在往返传送中主要属性不变。
Main file transfer system exists obvious secure problems in user login, identity data transfer, file transfer and can not realize transfer of batch files in a secure way. 当前主流的FTP文件传输系统在用户登录、用户身份数据传输、文件数据传输等方面存在着比较明显的安全问题并且不能通过安全的方式来实现文件的分组传输。
Legal persons have become the main file for compensation also has practical necessity and feasibility. 法人成为该赔偿的诉请主体也具有现实必要性和可行性。
The balance sheet of the government is the main file showing the overall government financial condition, operating results and cash flow, illustrating the status of government credit. 反映政府整体财务状况、经营业绩及现金流量的财务报表是表明政府信用情况的主要文件。